SCPI Parser


A complete SCPI parser for your electronic instruments. Supplied as a library of ANSI C compliant source code, together with comprehensive, step-by-step documentation. Trusted by industry and used worldwide.

Give your instruments SCPI compatibility today!

Providing industry with the standard in SCPI parsing for 23 years

scpi instrument

Our customers are companies big and small, including Fluke with their definitive series of Precision Digital Multimeters, the 8845A and 8846A.

In the current market, creating the ultimate programmable instrument is not enough to maximize your sales. Customers demand equipment that supports the industry-standard control language. SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instrumentation) is the most common standard today, used by Agilent, Fluke, Tektronix, and many others.

jpa-scpi parser instrument

JPA-SCPI Parser is used on Fluke's flagship 8846A & 8845A Precision DMMs

Using JPA-SCPI Parser, your instrument can interpret SCPI commands with ease! Its easy-to-use access functions and comprehensive documentation mean your instrument can be "talking SCPI today!"

Key Features of JPA-SCPI Parser

  • Supplied as C source code, JPA-SCPI Parser is fully ANSI/ISO C compliant
  • Works on almost any hardware platform/processor1
  • Supports all mandatory features and most optional features of the current SCPI standard
  • Easy and fast to use - Define your supported commands using one of the included templates, or create your own from scratch - full instructions included
  • Small "footprint" (15.8kB ROM typical2, depending on compiler)
  • Low, one-off cost ($495 for a full site licence) saving you money and weeks of development

1 Subject to availability of sufficient ROM and RAM.

2 For example, JPA-SCPI Parser compiles to 13.3kB ROM on a Microchip PIC18 processor using the Microchip XC8 compiler (optimizations on). In addition, ROM space is required to hold the command set (2.5kB or less typically.)

What's Included?

  • C source code modules comprising the Parser itself and its Access Functions
  • Templates for 10 different types of instrumentation (including measurement devices, e.g. DMMs; programmable source/supply devices; oscilloscopes)
  • Comprehensive documentation explaining how to use JPA-SCPI Parser for your particular instrument, and how to define your set of commands
  • An unlimited number of royalty-free runtime licences for your organization
  • Free product upgrades for first year of ownership
  • Free support via email for first year of ownership
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